Sunday, February 2, 2014

Snow, Snow, and More Snow

Discoveries: White oblivion, snow drifts, mini Grand Canyon, snowmobiles
Companions: Dad, two of his friends, and the new neighbor guy
A Winter Wonderland
The snow just hasn't stopped, and I love it! I love the snow! I hear a lot of people complaining about it, and yes it does keep me inside more than I'd like, but no one wants a green winter! As my dad says, if it's going to be cold, there might as well be snow. So, to make the best of all this snow I went on a snowmobile ride over the weekend with my dad and some of his friends. It was quite the adventure. First of all, I was wayyyy behind them. Their snowmobiles were way faster than mine, plus I like to be a careful driver since snowmobiling scares me sometimes. One scary moment was near the beginning of our trip around the neighborhood. I was following behind them going down the side of the road and didn't see a mini snow drift to the side. One of my skis went over it and it almost threw me off tipping me right over! So scary! I drove more cautiously after that and felt even more comfortable when one of my dad's friends started driving behind me. So if I ever did fly off at least he could save me.

There were some beautiful parts of the trip as well. We drove close to some ditches that looked like glaciers, it was beautiful. Frozen solid with sharp, crisp edges. I wish I could've had my camera on this adventure. I swear at one point we were driving next to a mini Grand Canyon. The ditches were maybe 30 feet deep and I did not want to slip down into them.

In front of me I could see the snowmobilers I was following. To my right, I saw the ditches we were riding alongside. To my left, it was a white oblivion. Pure white and flat like paper. I could not see the trees or the horizon line. Solid white. It was crazy, but super cool. Definitely a fun way to enjoy the winter and the snow. How you do enjoy the winter weather? I've always wanted to try ice skating. Well, peace out, readers.

Morals: Make the best of crappy weather days. When driving snowmobiles, holding on for your life is necessary, but you will end up sore the next day.
Hint: I am a liar. My hints haven't been corresponding with my next adventures.

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