Monday, February 17, 2014


Discoveries: Yoga, Silly Students, Peace
Companions: Elementary School Students, Shelly, Sisters
Reach to the sky!
I love yoga. I've been trying out different types of yoga lately and teaching yoga on occasion. Recently, I went with my yoga instructor Shelly to teach yoga at a family fitness night at an elementary school. The kids loved it! We did a kid-friendly version of slow flow yoga so the kids could relax between the crazy exercises they did throughout the night.

Tree Pose
The parents even had some fun with it. When we did tree pose, we let the kids choose which type of tree they were. Some were pine trees, others willow trees, and one boy said he was a wobbly tree.
Yoga makes me feel like those monks that meditate and train in the mountains. There are many types of yoga out there so I recommend trying it out sometime. You never know, you might end up liking it. Well, have a nice day readers. Peace.

Morals: Have an open mind.
Hint: Games

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