Saturday, February 8, 2014

Lunch and Videogames

Discoveries: chicken nuggets, food faces, Skyrim
Companions: Sisters, Taylor, College friends
Yesterday, my sister's boyfriend came over, and I had to look after my other two little sisters. They pretty much sat there and watched TV, so it wasn't too hard. I decided to be an awesome sister/babysitter, and make a delicious lunch for everyone. I cooked a whole bag of frozen chicken nuggets, and set out a bunch of veggies on the table because you should always eat your vegetables. I called them to the dining room to eat, but on one condition. Before they could eat, they had to make a face on their plate. The following are pictures of the process and the finished masterpieces:
Decorating. (Pretty bouquet on the table)

Ta Da!

My plate

Lunch was pretty good that day. Later in the evening, I met up with some of my college friends. They introduced me to the game Skyrim. I've heard of it before, and have been wanting to try it out. To summarize, it is one of the best games I've ever played, and I played it for about six hours straight while I was there (I haven't really sat down and played videogames like this for maybe two years. So it was nice to do that again). I loved the graphics, dragons, variety, and possibilities in the game. I definitely need to get a copy of it for myself. I highly recommend it to those who like adventure games like The Legend of Zelda or adventure movies like The Lord of the Rings. So, here's a picture of a Skyrim dragon for you. Peace.
Morals: It's ok to play with your food. Skyrim is awesome.
Hint: Valentine's Day is next week, maybe I'll do something lovey-dovey for my next adventure.

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