Monday, February 24, 2014


Discoveries: Masks, Music, and Fun
Companions: Tori, Alex, and a bunch of other friends

Finally, I speak the truth! This adventure came from my book of ideas like my previous hint suggested. The book said to do something while wearing a mask. So, what better place to wear a mask than to a Masquerade/Mardi Gras party? I almost decided against going, but I'm glad I did. I had a blast dancing the night away. I saw some fun masks and celebrated life with some fun people. From creating new dance moves to starting a conga line, there couldn't have been a better way to spend that particular night. I made sure to take a picture with some of my fellow dance buddies.
Tori and I are pretty hardcore. We wore our masks all night long (hers was glued to her face though so she didn't have a choice). I believe there should be some sort of prize awarded for this feat. Anyway, if you ever have to chance to attend a masquerade, I totally recommend it! It's super cool and it seems like something from a movie. Until next time, peace.

Morals: If you have the option to do something fun, do it. It's totally worth it. You may not realize how much fun you could have when you refuse to be open-minded.
Hint: The next adventure may or may not involve animals. Any WILD guesses as to what it may be? ;)

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