Monday, February 17, 2014

Game Night

Discoveries: Games, more games, and fro-yo.
Companions: Monique, Amber, Jacob, Alex, Nick, and Zach

'Tis always an adventure when hanging out with this group. Even though I had a stubborn cold, I spent the night with my friends. From Super Smash Bros. to Cosmic Encounters, we always end up playing some super awesome games whenever we hang out. 
Rulers of the Galaxies
We played Cosmic Encounters until about 11:30 p.m.then we decided we wanted frozen yogurt. The problem was that it closed at midnight. We hurried to put on our coats and run outside down the sidewalks. The night was beautiful with the warm glow of the street lights on the snow covered sidewalks. We slipped and slided into the frozen yogurt place just in time. It was so yummy.
All in all, it was a fun weekend. I'm glad I got to see some friends that I haven't seen in a while and get to relax and play some games. Remember to find the adventure in everyday. Peace out.
Morals: Go visit some old friends. It'll make their day.
Hint: My next adventure will come from my Book of Ideas.

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