Monday, January 27, 2014


Discoveries: Hearts, markers, stickers, sparkles, smiles
Companions: Youth Group

I've been busy lately so I still haven't gotten around to the exciting adventures. Exciting adventures isn't the goal of this blog though. The goal of this blog is to find the adventure in every day. Plus, having a busy schedule is no excuse in my eyes. A quote that goes along well with that is, "volunteers don't have the time, they just have the heart." I'm not sure who said that quote, but I give him props. I like that quote a lot, and it relates to the adventure I am writing about today. I love volunteering, it's hard for me not to volunteer (maybe because it's hard for me to say no). Through my church I volunteer at a monthly food distribution. We give away overflowing boxes of food to the familes in need around our community. It is a great program. For the next month's give away, some ladies came up with the idea to put hearts in each box since it's close to Valentine's Day. The hearts were decorated by our youth group as well as other members of the church with encouraging sayings, stickers, markers, and sparkles. Here are some examples and a group shot of us:

My artwork!

Gotta love these people :)

Anyone who reads this, I suggest doing something similar for people that you know. Random acts of kindness. Send a letter, or call someone you haven't spoken to in a while, or send an encouraging saying to someone who may need it. It'll make their day. Well, until next time. Peace.

Morals: Whenever you can say something nice, say it. All you need is love. Enjoy the little things.
Hint: Music is related to my next adventure.

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