Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Adventure No. 1! Kicking off my yearlong project.

Discoveries: Treasure, Pinwheels, Snow
Companions: My family
Pancakes with half the calories.
Today's adventure started out with a healthy breakfast. Since we have been snowed in for too many days in a row, getting out of the house was the main goal for today. My many sisters and I piled into our van and we headed out. Somehow we managed not to go in a ditch or get stuck anywhere. That was a good thing, but not as good as the treasure Tiffany and I found.

Gotta love Bilbo
While treasure hunting we managed to lose the mother. This led to the decision to sit in comfy chairs until she found us.
Not much else happened at this place so we went to another place that was a bit more crafty.

Ok, Hello Kitty is adorable and all, but those masks were a little creepy. Craft stores have tons of things to explore and try out. I highly recommend them. I bought some yarn so I can learn arm-knitting while we're snowed in.
After our long day out and about, we went to a restaurant for dinner...even though after vacation we swore we wouldn't eat out for a while. Oh well. This day of adventure ended with a small snowball fight. I'd say it wasn't the most exciting adventure I've ever been on, but it was nice to get out of the house. Tomorrow predicts more excitement. So until next time, peace out readers.

Morals: The moral of the story is that when you are snowed in, there are fun things you can do instead of sit around at home. Yay snow!

Hint: My next adventure will involve geocaching.

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