Thursday, January 16, 2014

Adventure No. 3!

Discoveries: Shiny Snowflake, Coin drop, cake, books, homework
Companions: myself...

Why am I in this class?
Well, today's adventure wasn't too adventurous, but it was indoors like I said it would be. I went to the library to do some studying since exams are next week.
My study face
I love the library. It's nice, quiet, has books, has puzzles, and even has a coin drop thing that I got distracted by for a bit. I'll be sitting there trying to do my math and then BAM! distraction. Like the shiny snowflake on the table that I thought was very pretty.
So after my attempt to study, I went home to a birthday party for my mom. We had a delicious dinner of fettucini alfredo and then some oddball cake. Can you guess what it is? I thought maybe a smiley face, but my dad said it's a frog. What do you see it as?
That ends my adventure for today. Yesterday's adventure was way more exciting, but I forgot to bring my camera. I went for a run with some friends outside in the snow and ice. We skated on the side walks, jumped/climbed snow piles, walked across a frozen river, and ran through the forest. T'was an exciting journey, but I was frozen afterwards. Alright, that is all for now. Peace out.

Morals: Do not procrastinate when it comes to studying and be careful when running on ice. Note to self: Have fetuccini for my birthday dinner.
Hint: Next time the adventure will be more exciting.

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