Monday, February 24, 2014


Discoveries: Masks, Music, and Fun
Companions: Tori, Alex, and a bunch of other friends

Finally, I speak the truth! This adventure came from my book of ideas like my previous hint suggested. The book said to do something while wearing a mask. So, what better place to wear a mask than to a Masquerade/Mardi Gras party? I almost decided against going, but I'm glad I did. I had a blast dancing the night away. I saw some fun masks and celebrated life with some fun people. From creating new dance moves to starting a conga line, there couldn't have been a better way to spend that particular night. I made sure to take a picture with some of my fellow dance buddies.
Tori and I are pretty hardcore. We wore our masks all night long (hers was glued to her face though so she didn't have a choice). I believe there should be some sort of prize awarded for this feat. Anyway, if you ever have to chance to attend a masquerade, I totally recommend it! It's super cool and it seems like something from a movie. Until next time, peace.

Morals: If you have the option to do something fun, do it. It's totally worth it. You may not realize how much fun you could have when you refuse to be open-minded.
Hint: The next adventure may or may not involve animals. Any WILD guesses as to what it may be? ;)

Monday, February 17, 2014

Game Night

Discoveries: Games, more games, and fro-yo.
Companions: Monique, Amber, Jacob, Alex, Nick, and Zach

'Tis always an adventure when hanging out with this group. Even though I had a stubborn cold, I spent the night with my friends. From Super Smash Bros. to Cosmic Encounters, we always end up playing some super awesome games whenever we hang out. 
Rulers of the Galaxies
We played Cosmic Encounters until about 11:30 p.m.then we decided we wanted frozen yogurt. The problem was that it closed at midnight. We hurried to put on our coats and run outside down the sidewalks. The night was beautiful with the warm glow of the street lights on the snow covered sidewalks. We slipped and slided into the frozen yogurt place just in time. It was so yummy.
All in all, it was a fun weekend. I'm glad I got to see some friends that I haven't seen in a while and get to relax and play some games. Remember to find the adventure in everyday. Peace out.
Morals: Go visit some old friends. It'll make their day.
Hint: My next adventure will come from my Book of Ideas.


Discoveries: Yoga, Silly Students, Peace
Companions: Elementary School Students, Shelly, Sisters
Reach to the sky!
I love yoga. I've been trying out different types of yoga lately and teaching yoga on occasion. Recently, I went with my yoga instructor Shelly to teach yoga at a family fitness night at an elementary school. The kids loved it! We did a kid-friendly version of slow flow yoga so the kids could relax between the crazy exercises they did throughout the night.

Tree Pose
The parents even had some fun with it. When we did tree pose, we let the kids choose which type of tree they were. Some were pine trees, others willow trees, and one boy said he was a wobbly tree.
Yoga makes me feel like those monks that meditate and train in the mountains. There are many types of yoga out there so I recommend trying it out sometime. You never know, you might end up liking it. Well, have a nice day readers. Peace.

Morals: Have an open mind.
Hint: Games

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Lunch and Videogames

Discoveries: chicken nuggets, food faces, Skyrim
Companions: Sisters, Taylor, College friends
Yesterday, my sister's boyfriend came over, and I had to look after my other two little sisters. They pretty much sat there and watched TV, so it wasn't too hard. I decided to be an awesome sister/babysitter, and make a delicious lunch for everyone. I cooked a whole bag of frozen chicken nuggets, and set out a bunch of veggies on the table because you should always eat your vegetables. I called them to the dining room to eat, but on one condition. Before they could eat, they had to make a face on their plate. The following are pictures of the process and the finished masterpieces:
Decorating. (Pretty bouquet on the table)

Ta Da!

My plate

Lunch was pretty good that day. Later in the evening, I met up with some of my college friends. They introduced me to the game Skyrim. I've heard of it before, and have been wanting to try it out. To summarize, it is one of the best games I've ever played, and I played it for about six hours straight while I was there (I haven't really sat down and played videogames like this for maybe two years. So it was nice to do that again). I loved the graphics, dragons, variety, and possibilities in the game. I definitely need to get a copy of it for myself. I highly recommend it to those who like adventure games like The Legend of Zelda or adventure movies like The Lord of the Rings. So, here's a picture of a Skyrim dragon for you. Peace.
Morals: It's ok to play with your food. Skyrim is awesome.
Hint: Valentine's Day is next week, maybe I'll do something lovey-dovey for my next adventure.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Snow, Snow, and More Snow

Discoveries: White oblivion, snow drifts, mini Grand Canyon, snowmobiles
Companions: Dad, two of his friends, and the new neighbor guy
A Winter Wonderland
The snow just hasn't stopped, and I love it! I love the snow! I hear a lot of people complaining about it, and yes it does keep me inside more than I'd like, but no one wants a green winter! As my dad says, if it's going to be cold, there might as well be snow. So, to make the best of all this snow I went on a snowmobile ride over the weekend with my dad and some of his friends. It was quite the adventure. First of all, I was wayyyy behind them. Their snowmobiles were way faster than mine, plus I like to be a careful driver since snowmobiling scares me sometimes. One scary moment was near the beginning of our trip around the neighborhood. I was following behind them going down the side of the road and didn't see a mini snow drift to the side. One of my skis went over it and it almost threw me off tipping me right over! So scary! I drove more cautiously after that and felt even more comfortable when one of my dad's friends started driving behind me. So if I ever did fly off at least he could save me.

There were some beautiful parts of the trip as well. We drove close to some ditches that looked like glaciers, it was beautiful. Frozen solid with sharp, crisp edges. I wish I could've had my camera on this adventure. I swear at one point we were driving next to a mini Grand Canyon. The ditches were maybe 30 feet deep and I did not want to slip down into them.

In front of me I could see the snowmobilers I was following. To my right, I saw the ditches we were riding alongside. To my left, it was a white oblivion. Pure white and flat like paper. I could not see the trees or the horizon line. Solid white. It was crazy, but super cool. Definitely a fun way to enjoy the winter and the snow. How you do enjoy the winter weather? I've always wanted to try ice skating. Well, peace out, readers.

Morals: Make the best of crappy weather days. When driving snowmobiles, holding on for your life is necessary, but you will end up sore the next day.
Hint: I am a liar. My hints haven't been corresponding with my next adventures.