Monday, January 27, 2014


Discoveries: Hearts, markers, stickers, sparkles, smiles
Companions: Youth Group

I've been busy lately so I still haven't gotten around to the exciting adventures. Exciting adventures isn't the goal of this blog though. The goal of this blog is to find the adventure in every day. Plus, having a busy schedule is no excuse in my eyes. A quote that goes along well with that is, "volunteers don't have the time, they just have the heart." I'm not sure who said that quote, but I give him props. I like that quote a lot, and it relates to the adventure I am writing about today. I love volunteering, it's hard for me not to volunteer (maybe because it's hard for me to say no). Through my church I volunteer at a monthly food distribution. We give away overflowing boxes of food to the familes in need around our community. It is a great program. For the next month's give away, some ladies came up with the idea to put hearts in each box since it's close to Valentine's Day. The hearts were decorated by our youth group as well as other members of the church with encouraging sayings, stickers, markers, and sparkles. Here are some examples and a group shot of us:

My artwork!

Gotta love these people :)

Anyone who reads this, I suggest doing something similar for people that you know. Random acts of kindness. Send a letter, or call someone you haven't spoken to in a while, or send an encouraging saying to someone who may need it. It'll make their day. Well, until next time. Peace.

Morals: Whenever you can say something nice, say it. All you need is love. Enjoy the little things.
Hint: Music is related to my next adventure.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Adventure No. 3!

Discoveries: Shiny Snowflake, Coin drop, cake, books, homework
Companions: myself...

Why am I in this class?
Well, today's adventure wasn't too adventurous, but it was indoors like I said it would be. I went to the library to do some studying since exams are next week.
My study face
I love the library. It's nice, quiet, has books, has puzzles, and even has a coin drop thing that I got distracted by for a bit. I'll be sitting there trying to do my math and then BAM! distraction. Like the shiny snowflake on the table that I thought was very pretty.
So after my attempt to study, I went home to a birthday party for my mom. We had a delicious dinner of fettucini alfredo and then some oddball cake. Can you guess what it is? I thought maybe a smiley face, but my dad said it's a frog. What do you see it as?
That ends my adventure for today. Yesterday's adventure was way more exciting, but I forgot to bring my camera. I went for a run with some friends outside in the snow and ice. We skated on the side walks, jumped/climbed snow piles, walked across a frozen river, and ran through the forest. T'was an exciting journey, but I was frozen afterwards. Alright, that is all for now. Peace out.

Morals: Do not procrastinate when it comes to studying and be careful when running on ice. Note to self: Have fetuccini for my birthday dinner.
Hint: Next time the adventure will be more exciting.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Adventure No. 2!

Discoveries: Geocaches, snow, a phone, a scary window, buried treasure (that ended up just being ice)
Companions: Connor

Another day, another adventure. Connor and I have watched plenty of mystery shows (Castle, The Mentalist, Elementary, Scooby-Doo), so it was no surprise that we found 3 out of the 5 geocaches that we looked for. Before venturing out though, we had to bundle up like crazy. I had 2 shirts, a sweatshirt, a jacket, a coat, 3 pairs of socks, 3 pairs of pants, a headband, and a couple pairs of gloves (I was warm, but it was hard to move). Connor, on the other hand, just had a sweatshirt, coat, and some boots. So, we went back after our first find to get him some snowpants.

The clues led to this pay phone.
For those of you who have never been geocaching, I highly recommend it. This was Connor and I's first time geocaching, and we both decided that it was like treasure hunting! It was so cool! First, we downloaded the app. Then, it showed us geocaches near us and provided a couple clues. Using the clues and GPS, we made our way over snow banks, through bushes, and to creatively hidden geocaches. We took out the logs and signed our names to say that we found them. Although it was freezing cold, it was definitely an adventure that was worthwhile. So, next time you read a Nancy Drew book or watch National Treasure and feel like going treasure hunting yourself, then I'd suggest geocaching. I definitely felt like someone from a movie.  
Who knew it'd be in the phone?
Writing in the log.
Ok, we gave up on 2 of the geocaches we were looking for but it was for perfectly good reasons. The first one had sooo much snow surrounding the area it was in that we decided to look for it on a day that was warmer. The second, we got scared of the dark, creepy window nearby. Note to self: Go geocaching again someday, but during the daytime and when it is warmer outside. I also suggest geocaching with a fellow adventurer who can help you solve the clues. Two heads are better than one. Until next time, peace out.
Buried treasure? X marks the spot?
Morals: No matter how many layers of clothes you wear, you will still get cold if you're in the snow long enough.
Hint: The next adventure will be indoors (I couldn't feel my hands and feet after tonight).
Explore geocaching at 

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Adventure No. 1! Kicking off my yearlong project.

Discoveries: Treasure, Pinwheels, Snow
Companions: My family
Pancakes with half the calories.
Today's adventure started out with a healthy breakfast. Since we have been snowed in for too many days in a row, getting out of the house was the main goal for today. My many sisters and I piled into our van and we headed out. Somehow we managed not to go in a ditch or get stuck anywhere. That was a good thing, but not as good as the treasure Tiffany and I found.

Gotta love Bilbo
While treasure hunting we managed to lose the mother. This led to the decision to sit in comfy chairs until she found us.
Not much else happened at this place so we went to another place that was a bit more crafty.

Ok, Hello Kitty is adorable and all, but those masks were a little creepy. Craft stores have tons of things to explore and try out. I highly recommend them. I bought some yarn so I can learn arm-knitting while we're snowed in.
After our long day out and about, we went to a restaurant for dinner...even though after vacation we swore we wouldn't eat out for a while. Oh well. This day of adventure ended with a small snowball fight. I'd say it wasn't the most exciting adventure I've ever been on, but it was nice to get out of the house. Tomorrow predicts more excitement. So until next time, peace out readers.

Morals: The moral of the story is that when you are snowed in, there are fun things you can do instead of sit around at home. Yay snow!

Hint: My next adventure will involve geocaching.


Hi, my name is Kayla and this is my first blog. I apologize if it starts out a little lame, but I should get the hang of it soon enough. So, I feel like I should let ya know a bit about me. I enjoy running, yoga, reading, swimming, and watching movies in my spare time. I also have a love for writing in my many journals and notebooks. Tea and water are what I drink most often because I am a healthy human being. I try my best to eat healthy too, but cookies and chocolate are my weaknesses. Hanging out with friends and family is something I do frequently because I love people. I like to have fun with everything I do. Laughing and smiling are some of the things that I do best. Donating my time to the community is something that I like to do through my church because I like to help out and make a difference for people. I like meeting new people and hearing their stories. I love stories. Ok, that about sums me up I think. If you need to know anything else, just ask.
Scooter adventure in the tropics.
My past experiences with adventuring (example above) have turned out well (more or less), so I expect the same with this project. Well, adventure awaits...