Sunday, March 23, 2014


Discoveries: CrossFit, running, massage, lotion, relaxation
Companions: Shelly, other couples

So like my last hint, I've been working out a lot more lately. When it comes to working out, and finding motivation to workout, it's good to have some variety. Doing the same workouts every week gets tedious, boring, and makes you lose motivation to continue. The variety that I add to my workouts are yoga and CrossFit. I do yoga about once per week to keep stretched out, have some time to relax, and because I just like doing yoga. CrossFit is about twice per week and is quick, different everytime, and intense. It's the perfect spice added to any workout. I have a blast doing CrossFit with my friends and get a great workout from it.

After all of this working out, I've needed some time to loosen up and relax. What better way to do so than with a massage? I went to a massage workshop today where I learned how to massage and got to be massaged. It was wonderful, very relaxing. The people were fun to work with and it was cool to learn about muscles and knots. I don't think that I could massage people for a living but it was nice to learn some of the basics for massage so I can try it on people I know. Now if only I could find someone to give me a nice shoulder massage once in a while...
Have a good day everyone! Peace.

Morals: Exercise makes you happier, but make sure to find time to relax.
Hint: My next adventure will be a bit messy.

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