Saturday, March 8, 2014


Discoveries: a castle, hobby shops, homemade jewlery, super awesome pop-ups
Companions: Alex

Today, Alex joined me on a trip to a nearby town. I love checking out small local shops, so that's exactly what we did. First, we explored two different hobby shops. The first one only had models; everything from cars to frankenstein. The second had a bit more variety. There were cards for several card games as well as tables for groups to come in to play games. It seemed like a nice place, but we kept exploring. We came along a shop that bragged about its handcrafted, American-made products from many Michigan artists. They had accesories that were very interesting. Some were made from silverware. I saw spoon handle rings and fork bracelets. I would share a picture of this unique jewlery but the cashier didn't want people to copy the artists' work. What I can share pictures of is the great book store. There were so many types of amazing pop-up books. Here, see for yourself:
Today's adventure was alright, but next time I want to find some cooler shops. By the way, I apologize for my lack of flowery vocabulary. This blog still needs some improvement, but practice makes perfect, right? Until next time, peace.

Morals: Support your local businesses!
Hint: Super heroes.

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